Monday, December 12, 2011

Innanets Buggage-Texts From Bennett

God bless the innanets.  While looking on Tumblr one day I came across this one page that made my MONTH. This guy has this wanna be gangsta cousin who has the funniest text messages in the history of all things cell phone related.  If I had an inbox filled with these classics I'd share them with the world too.  If you wanna read more here's a link to the Tumblr.  Funniest thing I've seen in a long time...let the buggage commence.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Sean Paul-Like Glue

Link to the video...the punk ass uploader disabled embedding

So last night I didn't go to bed until like 5am...usually it's behind not being able to turn off my iPod or get off YouTube.  Last night was one of those nights...I had like a mini dancehall session in my bed.  Sean Paul is a party reggae block legend (by reggae block I mean the same songs every DJ plays when they wanna go to the islands)...this man was the soundtrack to my high school grindage at the Sportsworld parties in Greenville (WHAT YALL KNOW ABOUT THOSE SPORTSWORLD PARTIES???!).  From the track with DMX ("Top Shotta"...known by everyone as "Here Comes The Boom") to every damn single off his "Dutty Rock" album, this man's music evokes memories of music videos laden with thick, long legged Jamaican chicks with moves that would had a 15 year old Dub contemplating denouncing his American citizenship and move to Jamaica(SN: those dark skinned Jamaican women in those videos?? if I would have seen them in person when I was in high school I would have given them my whole McDonald's check...they were always my favorite).  Here's to Sean of the only artists that can turn any social gathering to a danchall party.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Favorite Christmas Carol

First off...hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and at to your heart's content.  I know I had a good time fellowshipping with the family...ate and drifted in and out consciousness.

AND NOW FINALLY...we have arrived at the 2011 Christmas season.  Contrary to what the retailers will have you think, Christmas doesn't start until after Thanksgiving...not after Halloween (like the malls do...smh).  Everyone has their own Christmas song that reminds them of Christmas past.  For me...this song marked December on Rap City (you know...when it was good).  RIP Nate Dogg...classic track man from your good folks at Death Row Records.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reason No. 21546411243 Why I Hate PETA

Those crazy asses over at PETA are at it again, trying to ruin the fun of the masses.  The animal rights organization is taking issue with the Tanooki suit that Mario will don in the newest Mario video game (the same one he's been wearing since 1987 or so).  PETA thinks that Mario will have people hunting real life Tanooki racoons for their fur...I guess so people can try to fly like Mario does.  For one...I never knew the name of the suit until this story came about.  Two, even for the people who knew the name of the many people people actually knew that it was a real animal? *Katt Williams voice* Dont worry...I'll wait.  Now I do agree that the fur trade is pretty bad in how they poach some animals out of existence but going after a video game character isn't the answer....but they don't hear that over the hum of their hybrid car's engine.  Damn hippies


Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Video Game Hotness

I would like to take this time to apologize to my small but loyal following for nreglecting my blog over the last week.  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 came out and has completely taken over my life.  I've been drinking Mountain Dew by the case to get the bottle caps for double XP points.  Carzy thing is...I'm not a big soda fan at all.  I not judge me in any way, shape, or form.

Another November...another edition of Call Of Duty game.  This year's iteration is Modern Warfare 3, a sequel to 2009's Modern Warfare 2 and is sure to break all kinds of sales records (early estimates have 1st day sales in the US and UK at 6.5 million units).  MW3 is definitely a solid game and a marked improvement from MW2 in many areas.  The story is short of course (haven't played it all the way through...where they do that at?) but it's still compelling. It's very hard to just play one mission without getting temporarily sucked into the story.  99.999% of the people who bought the game for the online multiplayer.  It's deep and even more rewarding this time around.  They've revamped the weapon leveling and kill streaks...not gonna go too in depth with the changes (not gonna turn this into a full-fledged game review) but it's very obvious that they focused on keeping the game balanced while rewarding players for long streaks.  They even expanded the Special Operations and added a Survival Mode (think Gears Of War's horde mode) for even more online co-op play.  The graphics look more refined and smooth...A LOT better than Black Ops.  If you're on the fence about the game I would strongly suggest you take the leap if you want to have a deep online multiplayer experience.

In other dope ass video games news, the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection finally dropped (same day as MW3...the people @ Konami must not have calanders).  This 2 disc set contains remastered versions of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.  The set also includes the PSP's Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and some SNES Metal Gear games.  This is a must have for any Metal Gear Solid fan (such as myself....HUGE CHRISTMAS PRESENT HINT!!!!).  The games have been remastered in HD so you can enjoy them on your PS3 in all of their cinematic glory.  Also a plus for people who don't have a PSP and haven't played Peace Walker yet.  One of my biggest beefs with the PlayStation Network (in relation to Xbox Live) is that they don't sell PS2 games for download (probably because Sony is still selling a good number of PS2s at a wallet friendly $99 price point).  If you want to play old games you have to wait for the studio to re-release the game...takes a lot longer and is usually a little more expensive.  But the upside is they're normally released in HD for the first time....patience is a virtue FTW.  This fall/holiday season has been chock full of top notch titles just itching to get bought, such as Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield, Skyrim, Saint's Row 3, and Assassain's Creed: Revalations just to name a few..  I'm tapped out until the first of next year....I have too many Christmas presents to buy.  I have to be responsible and all that...being a grown up sucks.  Happy playing!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Bank Transfer Day!

Happy Bank Transfer Day!  So I know you're probably thinking "What the hell is Bank Transfer Day?"  It's the day when you're supposed to ditch your bank in favor of a credit union.  Kind of hard today since many credit unions aren't open on Saturdays but the concept is to leave those corrupt institutions and place your hard earned money is more likely to work for you.  This year's iteration of this concept has taken a new tenor because of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the recent fees that banks are trying to force down their customer's throats, such as a $5 monthly fee to use a debt card.  Now, truth me told, I work for a credit union so this may come across as a sales pitch for the one I work...which is why I won't tell you where I work (most of my close friends already know anyway lol).  I'm sharing this because the credit union approach is completely different from the bank approach.  Banks are there to serve their shareholders and to give them a return on their investment.  To that end, they will do anything to keep their profit margins high.  With the credit card/overdraft fee reform a couple of years ago, banks were scrambling to recoup those fees. That's why free checking accounts went away and some banks are even charging for teller services and paper statements.  Banks used to give you something for your trouble (i.e. interest on your accounts) for having your money in their institution that they were going to lend out and make money on.  What a novel concept...right?  Credit unions, however, are co-ops that exist for the financial benefit for the entire membership.  They're not there to make money (let me repeat that...THEY'RE NOT HERE TO MAKE MONEY) but rather for the financial thrift of their members.  You want your money held in an institution where they have your best interests in mind (i.e. low loan/mortgage rates, interest-bearing accounts, etc).  If you're looking to change from a bank to a credit union you can start your search here at  Happy hunting guys...gotta save your coins as best you can these days.


Friday, November 4, 2011

The Sissification of Today's Youth

I try to temper my comments on today's youth because I don't have kids and, in a lot of ways, I'm still a kid myself.  But with that being said, the stuff I hear coming out of today's elementary/middle/high schools is really making me believe that the next generation is going to be whiny, lazy sissies that get upset with things don't go their way.  Youth/amateur sports are where many young people gain many transferable life skills, such as perseverance, team work, and how to develop a strong work ethic.  This is where me and my brother (along with other family members of mine) learned these skills, so when I hear stories about diabolical helicopter parents interfering with this crucial crucible of learning I can't help but feel a certain kind of way about that.

...which brings me to this story I came across today.  A high school soccer team in Maryland is having their season cancelled by the school's administrators for a celebratory dance.  Yes...a damn dance.  Apparently the soccer team is on the playoffs and won a close game against a rival.  To celebrate they did The Bernie, from the 80's movie about the cats carrying around the dead dude all weekend.  Well apparently some punk ass parents from the other team took issue with the celebration and complained to the school's principal.  Because the principal found this act to be in poor taste, they thought it best to cancel their season, I guess not to piss off any more families.  Um...what?? Because some parents were mad that their precious soccer player lost a game and the other team was happy about it, that's ground to complain.  Look, I've been on the other side of close (and not so close) losses where the other team acted up when they won.  We were mad...not because they were happy they won (you should be) but because we let them lose.  Moral of the story?  If you don't want them dancing, don't let them win.  Those are probably the same kind of parents that give participation trophies out (newsflash-not every kid on the team should get a trophy...some kids suck.  It's life...if they can't deal with not getting a trophy, try dealing with not getting a job after college) and want their kids to go to schools where they don't give failing grades (so the kids won't get discouraged *blank stare*).  Maybe I'm being too harsh...I can see of it was an over the top T.O/Chad Johnson style dance.  But The Bernie? Give me a break...tell that kid to brush themselves off when they get knocked down.  Fall down 7 times, get up 8.



Wanna good laugh??

STEP 1-Go to

STEP 2-search "do a barrel roll"

STEP 3-Prepare to bug out

If you don't get the reference it's from Star Fox 64, a game where you were the leader of a squadron of space fighter jet pilots that were animals.  The rabbit, named Peppy, had one only piece of advice when shit got hairy (no pun intended): DO A BARREL ROLL!! Never really helped you do anything but make a spiral of fire when you got blowed up. Oh geek humor...the greatest brand of giggles.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Ultimate Hustle

So I'm sure anyone that pays any attention to the innanets news has found out that Kim Kardashian has filed divorce from her DUMB ASS (I'll explain in a minute) husband Kris Humphries.  A whole 72 days of marriage bliss...more like marriage piss.  I didn't watch the show but apparently things were sour since...forever.  Hell his stupid ass didn't even know she was married do you NOT know that about the woman you're about to marry?  You should know everything about her...her blood type...what color her eyes (SN-great thing about being a black guy that's in to black women...if our woman is mad and she closes her eyes and asks "What color are my eyes??!" we can always confidently say brown....and if her eyes are anything other than that (i.e. green, hazel) then that's not anything we'd easily forget)...what she had for lunch last Tuesday.  Cynics always say something like "I saw this coming"...I started to say that but I honestly can't say I saw it happening this fast.  I thought she would at least collect some over priced Christmas presents, do a Christmas special/fashion show, be on Dick Clark's New Year's Eve special, and then leave his ass around the 5th of January.  Boy was I wrong...she's given a new meaning to the term "whirlwind romance"...she takes it all the way home though.  She leaves everything fucked up like a tornado just ripped through.  She dated him, married, and divorced in LESS than a year (she met him last December)...ain't that a bitch?

But let's take a deeper look (no Ray J sex tape pun intended) into the hustler known as Kim Kardashian.  She dated this dude (was sure to make some side money off of being at the games of whatever team he play on this year), got him to buy her a $2 million engagement ring (he's a NBA player...remember there's a lockout going on right now), made like $18 million off of THEIR wedding, then was like "um...naw...I don't wanna do this anymore."  The kicker?  HE WAS ONE OF THE LAST PEOPLE TO FIND OUT...word is dude found out on TMZ yesterday morning.  That's some cold ass shit there..,.her pockets are lined with money and he's like "WUT???"  He should have never dated her attention/money loving ass to begin with.  Besides..I wouldn't want to marry a chick that's famous for having a sex tape with a dude that's not me.  You know that nightmare that guys have when they realize their woman has had sex with another dude...that porn that pops in their head that involve a dick that's not theirs? Well he lived the real life version of that...the trash talk he's going to hear this year is going to be epic.  Not like i expected her to be a saint...but I don't see how anyone can like her after this...that's just something a low down person does.  At least call the man and tell him the real before letting it be known.  Your publicists shouldn't know before your husband...but I guess that's the life in Hollywood.  I hope he hires some lawyers to get a lot of money...but wait...his ass signed a pre-nump...dumb ass.

I had fun with the #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage trending topic on Twitter...but this is a real one:  the NBA lockout (124 days and counting) has really lasted longer than their marriage. The "finding real love in a fake ass world" struggle is real.


Monday, October 24, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Rick James/Eddie Murphy-Party All The Time

First off...sorry about the long delay...Batman: Arkham City has taken over my damn life.  Finally broke its spell last I'll be back to my regular ignant blogging.

I know one of Charlie Murphy's stories came in the studio recording this song.  If I had to chose one decade to grow up in, I'd chose the 80s in a heartbeat.  Dope ass Saturday morning cartoons and songs like this makes me wanna build a time machine and grow out a big ass Rick James crop.  But wait...crack and AIDS came on heavy in the 80s...never mind.


Thursday, October 13, 2011


NOTE: Click on the picture to enlarge

I don't know what's sadder...the fact that someone actually wrote this or the fact that it's true.


Monday, October 3, 2011

1st Date Mathematics

Our good man Kain Carter breaks down the financials of the first date.  Hope this opens your eyes ladies...after all that it's not that much of a stretch to give it up in the first night.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Angela Simmons' PETA Ad

...I still hate PETA but I'm not gonna lie...looking at her makes me think about going vegetarian.


Friday, September 23, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Cee Lo-Gettin' Grown

Cee-Lo is without a doubt of my favorite artists regardless of genre (physical similarities aside).  All of his music so can tell he's much more than regular singing.  My favorite thing about his music is the evolution and the diversity in his catalog.  From his early days with the Goodie Mob, from joining forces with Danger Mouse to form Gnarls Barkley, to his new solo projects he's went from being a top shelf lyricist to a highly sought after voice talent.  Drake hopes to one day reach that level.  He seems equally comfortable on every record he does...if you haven't heard any of his album I suggest you start.  My favorite one is probably "Cee Lo Green & His Perfect Imperfections" shows off both of his talents equally and is a overall great album.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Legendary Tracy Morgan

Some of the best YouTube videos from the funniest man on Earth, Tracy Morgan.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Tea Party Must Be Stopped

Anyone that I've had a conversation on politics knows that, even though I can't fully agree with the Democrats on everything, I CAN'T STAND REPUBLICANS.  Not so much their beliefs and ideologies, but the mean-spirited dumb ass politicians that belong to the party.  That intense dislike has been taken to another level with the appearance of the Tea Party...a group of hardcore GOPers that believe in small government and low taxes (...on the wealthy).  These closeted racists seem to be hell bent on taking the country back...I'm assuming from the black president and the liberal policy makers (didn't see them around when everyone was making money under Clinton did you?).  With the recent economic problems and stagnant labor market, they are seizing this opportunity to take over the nation's political discourse and are sure to make their presence felt in the national elections next November.  These people MUST be stopped for the nation to move forward.  Not only are they fracturing their own party (some pundits believe they will split the conservative vote because they're such hardcore fundamentalists) but they are not the group that's know for making concessions ANYWHERE.  When you have leaders go on record as saying their main goal is to make sure Obama isn't re-elected and they don't want to compromise so Obama/the Democrats won't score political points there there is a SERIOUS problem.  They're the main reason the debt deal went to the 11th hour...they're a group of people that would rather mess stuff up and gain political points for the next election than compromise for today's greater good.  It's really sad because the people suffering are hard working middle class Americans.  Hell during a debate there was cheering when Ron Paul was asked if a uninsured person should die under his health plan....what kind of shit is that?   It may not be economically feasible to save every one, but I don't want to be in a country where public figures are spewing that type of venom publicly.  Personally, I don't see how anyone that's been down and out at any point of their life can vote Republican.  Not even racial minorities, but the poor and middle class and anyone that has to deal with any -ism (sexism, classism, ageism, etc).  In my mind's eye, if you're not a young to middle aged, wealthy white male then the Republic rhetoric doesn't apply to you...but everyone can kick their boot how they see fit.  But for those of you who want to see another side, the video has a smart man breaking down all the "lies" being told by the Republicans.  Food for thought...


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Scarface & Tupac-Smile

Dope track from two of my favorite artists.  Today makes 15 years (damn I'm getting old) since Tupac was shot and killed in Vegas...and the police still ain't found shit out.  Barney Fife would have been able to figure out who shot a rapper on the Vegas strip after a title fight...but then again this is America.  RIP Pac


Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Later...

So today marks the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, a day that no one will ever be able to (or should) forget.  It's funny how people of my parents' generation can still remember where they were then JFK was killed, becuase I'm the exact same way with 9/11.  I was a 13 year old high school freshman walking from 1st period Geomotry to 2nd period Biology when I heard some commotion in the hallway about a plane flying in to the World Trade Center.  I jetted down to the class room and saw the picture of that tower burning.  My teacher (who apparently didn't understand the gravity of the situation) made us turn the TV off and gave us all an assignment to finish.  We all burned through that worksheet, just to have her turn the TV on and see that a second plane had hit the WTC and another hit the Pentagon.  The rest of the day was a fog...every class that day had the TVs on...class work didn't matter because we were all scared out of our minds.  I'll never forget in 3rd period (after we had learned of the 4th plane that crashed in PA) there was a girl that had did some numerology or something to try to guess where the subsequent attacks would be.  EVERYONE in the class thought she was The Oracle or something...we were all circled around her desk.  They made us turn it off when i was in 5th period but that didn't matter...everyone's brain was stuck on the images from the news.  My parents weren't home when I got home from school...that didn't help at all.  I just remember this intense feeling of fear and anxiety...not even going to lie the memory of that feeling shakes me to this day.  I'll never forget the images of people just jumping from the windows and their bodies just falling...or the screams of sheer terror when they showed amateur video of the planes crashing.  The world was changed when those towers fell...

...with all of those memories getting rehashed today is honestly a little hard.  I'll never be able to stop thinking of the people that couldn't get out and the sense of helplessness they undoubtedly felt.  The Flight 93 movie came on and I couldn't watch was too real for me.  There are a lot of programs about the the day's events from many different points of view....I'm really interested to see how these come out so I can see how it affected different people.  I thought the ceremonies and the monuments were done well...I hope the concert is a joyous event in honor of all who were lost.  What I don't want to happen is a new wave of ani-Muslim sentiment...ALL Americans, including Muslims, died and/or were affected by the attacks.  Not all Muslims are crazy enough to fly a plane into a a matter of fact most Muslims are digusted by those who carried out these heinous acts.  Let's stop with all this Muslim hate garbage...if I hear/see someone say they're gonna slap one with some bacon it'll be too damn soon.  So for those who read this:  let this be a day of rememberance, a celebration of life, and a time for all Americans to come together.  That's exactly what those who died would have wanted.


Friday, September 9, 2011

For The Hardcore Sneakerheads

Remember these kicks from Back To The Future II?  The joints that laced themselves?  Yeah me neither...but they look dope as hell...jawns even light up on the side.  Well the good folks over at Nike are making 1,500 pair of these McFlys and auctioning them off on eBay with the proceeds going to the Michael J Fox Foundation.  I'm not even a sneaker head but these shoes look DOPE.  Shoe fiends be warned...these shoes aren't cheap...1st pair went for $37,000+.  Even cooler is that the donations are getting matched up to $50 million.  I really want to see a cure for Parkinson's in my lifetime...It's been sad to see it break MJ Fox down like it has.  Share this with your balla ass friends...they'll cop a dope ass pair of kicks and help a damn good cause.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Kid Cudi-Mr. Rager

New video from Kid Cudi...this track is on his Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager album.  To be honest, I've never been a big of artists changing up the arrangement of their song when they release the single/make an music video.  The rock guitar threw me off...and the beat dropping and coming back in turned me off.  But then again I'm used to listening to the album version so I can appreciate what he did.  The song (and the album for that matter) isn't as depressing as the first one...but he killed "himself" at the end lol...Scott Mescudi is always keeping people guessing.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Ignant Classics: Project Pat-Chickenhead

A classic track from Project Pat, the ignant prophet that doesn't have no beef with no coastis (a quote from when I interviewed him in college).  This joint gave me the ammunition for many arguments in middle/high school...when you're 13 telling a chick she's has breath like some thunder is an automatic game changer.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

T.I. Doesn't Want To Be Free

There are certain times when I read a story about a celebrity and just shake my head in shame...then there are others that don't suprise me and I continue my daily activites.  T.I.'s latest incident with the law made me do both.  For those unaware, The Bankhead Ambassador has been locked down for the past year for a probation violation...again.  He was scheduled to be released to a halfway to complete his sentence when he was placed back in custody when his tour bus came to pick him up from jail.  Now...there isn't anything technically wrong or illegal with having your tour bus coming to pick you up from jail...but is it really the smartest thing?  Like honestly, wouldn't you want to be as low key as possible?  Hell I'd ride a tricycle if need long as it kept me out of jail.  T.I. has always been one of my favorite artists but over the past couple of years it's been pretty tough to be a fan.  Not that his music has been slack, just he hasn't been free to release any new music (he's also all but killed his acting career and chances for endorsements, like the ones he had with Axe and Chevrolet).  Even after the whole guns thing (which I STILL don't's like he was trying to play a real life game of Call Of Duty at his mansion shawty), it seems as though he's doing whatever he can to go back to jail.  For example, if you and your lady have weed and Ex in the car and you're driving on the Las Vegas strip, wouldn't you want to make sure you're abiding by the traffic laws?  You can't break all the laws shawty...driving the wrong way in the street is asking to get locked up.  And if I'm not mistaken he was only free for a couple of weeks before that incident.  He must be missing someone in prison because he can't wait to go back.  If I was locked up, my number #1 job would formulate a strategy how to stay away from that place.  And it's not like he's in a situation where he doesn't have any other options...just sit up in the hills and spend your money.  I'm not about that recreational criminal life...let's see how long he stays out this time...


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How $100 Million Won't Make Michael Vick Rich

News broke yesterday that Michael Vick signed a new $100 million ($40 million guaranteed) contract with the Philadelphia Eagles.  From the outside looking in, it seems like he's finally returned to the pinnacle of his sport (at least financially) after doing jail time for dog fighting charges, making animal lovers and the crazy asses at PETA lose sleep (quick sidenote:  am I crazy for thinking less of celebrities that do PETA ads?  Like Nia Long did one of those naked ads and I find her less attractive now.  Not for physical reasons, but because I'm 99% sure she's crazy like the rest of PETA).  But a deeper look in to his financials will reveal the truth:  this $100 million won't make Mike Vick rich (take a look at this ESPN article on the subject).  Vick had to file for bankruptcy during his bid at Leavenworth so the creditors are on his ass.  Compound that with the fact he had to give the Atlanta Falcons $20 million of his bonus back and that makes for a broke football player with a lot of debts.  In his debt restructuring the court put Mike on a strict montly budget, starting with a smooth 10% that goes to various creditors.  That amount goes up the more he makes a year, so that'll turn into 40% once he gets his new paycheck.  He has allowances for other expenses, such as his mortgage, private school for his kids, and support for his ex-girlfriend and their child together.  After all is said and done, Vick has a personal allowance of $3750/month.  To the average joe that's a nice haul (especially after taxes) but when your contract is for $100 million that ain't shit....thats .27% of what he's supposed to make per month (given he earns the whole $100 million).  To go even further, if he just earns the base $40 million, he'll still owe his creditors.  So for all of you all that think that Michael Vick shouldn't be making millions for what he did to dogs, the reality is he isn't doing much better off that most of us.  Meet Michael Vick, the only man in American that NEEDS a $100 million contract.


Friday, August 26, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Big K.R.I.T.-The Vent

Glad to see this track have a video...this is probably my favorite track off his Return of 4Eva mixtape.  The homie's doing big things...just dropped a mixtape last week and is gearing up for an album from what I heard.  KRIT is one of my favorite artists out right now...dope lyrics and he has stayed humble during his rise in the underground scene.  I'm still hyped from his show in Carrboro in April....IT'S THE RETURN OF 4EVA HO!!!!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ignant Classics: Coo Coo Cal-In My Projects

When I was in high school (and I didn't have baseball practice) my favorite activity was watching Rap City. You know...when they had Big Tigger and had decent interviews with the artists.  Of course I've always had an affinity for ignant ass sitting here one day I figured I'd take a trip down memory lane and share it with my readers.  So I'm starting something new on my blog...Ignant Classics.

Anyone know what happened to Coo Coo Cal? Or did he go the way of all of rap's one hit wonders of the early 00's (i.e. jail, regular jobs, their momma's couch)?   I'm still bugging at how they were playing pool outside...the humidity and cold would have wreaked havoc on that table...but no one cared, it's the projects.  This song taught me one thing:  the hood loves hoodrats.


Friday, August 19, 2011

New Big K.R.I.T. Mixtape-Last King 2

Newness from one of my favorite artists out now, the big homie Big K.R.I.T.  Haven't given a full listen all the way through but I'm sure it's pimp tight.  You can download the mixtape here.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's All About The U

For those of you all that follow sports closely I know, like me, are becoming sick and tired of these college football scandals involving improper benefits.  We all know it isn't anything new and it happens everywhere.  Like I'm supposed to believe that Mario Williams paid for his tricked out Hummer I saw him driving at NC State ( had a Superman logo on the back...I know damn well that isn't standard).  But within the past week there are reports about a improper benefits scandal at the University of Miami (FL) and man...this one might take the cake.  Most of the allegations center around booster-turned-felon Nevin Shapiro who, allegedly, made it rain on the football program with Ponzi-scheme dough.  The benefits ranged from VIP treatments at clubs (drinks included, of course), an engagement ring, cash bounties for on the field achievements, and even one abortion (because we players only believe in pass protection.).  The list of players reaches many current NFLers...even Andre Johnson's squeaky clean ass.  I'll give it to Da U...when they do something they do it big.  Even a negative scandal has their trademark flair.  I'm sure heads will roll but I hope they don't get the football program death penalty SMU received in the 80s.  I've always had a special place in my sports fan heart for there's too much TV money to be lost...I'm sure they'll get smacked by the NCAA but they'll still be able to make that bread.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Take On "Watch The Throne"

So it finally dropped...after months of hype and no pre-release track leaks (further proving that Jay-Z is in the Illuminati), Kanye and Jigga finally released their joint project Watch The Throne.  I've heard many different opinions on the project, ranging from "OMG!! This album changed my LIFE!!" to "'s whack...they didn't go hard enough" and everything in between.  I really dig the album...although I feel like it could have been so much more with the talent present at EVERY studio session, it was by no means whack.  It has substance in places and gets personal on a couple of are some of my thoughts on the album overall.

-I've heard/read multiple times but I feel like it's worth repeating:  this album feels/sounds like a Kanye album that's featuring Jay-Z rather than a collaborative effort.  Most of that is due to Kanye producing almsot every track on the has his distinct sound with heavy soul sampling.  Now that's not to say that Jay-Z isn't good and doesn't have his moments, but Ye definitely outshined his Big Brother on this one.  Maybe it's payback for the Diamonds remix?

-Why is that whenever Charlie Wilson features on a track, he can never just be on one song?  Not that it's a bad thing, but it seems like whenever he lays some vocals down he's outside the booth asking "do you need anything else? Another hook?"  From UGK's Underground Kings to Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Uncle Charlie is gonna give you your money's worth with the background vocals.

-Does Beyonce make Jay-Z put her on Roc-A-Fella songs?  The track that she's on doesn't seem to mesh well with the rest of the album.  She was on a bonus track on Ye's last album too...and you know Uncle Charlie was on the hook too belting out them Gap Band goat notes.

-I really like the track "New Day"...we're used to Kanye sharing his feelings (about anything really) but it was refreshing to hear Jay talk how he's sorry to his unborn children for having the papparzzi follwing them already.  If they could get cameras in to Beyonce's uterus I'm sure they would...damn vultures.  That track is in the running for my favorite on the album, but my favorite name has to be "Niggas in Paris."  How you can NOT like a song with that name?  There are going to be many Facebook photo albums with that name soon...

-I know it's been out for a while but HAM is my new cooning out song.  That song gets you turnt up for no apparent reason.

-And what was that 3 minutes of silence about at the beginning of Illest Motherfuckers Alive about?  Furher proof that Ye is too cool for school.  Placing long pauses all willy nilly...had me confused as hell.

Solid album front to back.  I would encourage you all to go buy it...but I'm sure there are many download links on the innanets so...just give it a listen.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

I Ain't Your Boy

There's been a lot of testing of the President's gangsta over the past couple of weeks.  Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) said, in regards to the recent debt/budget crisis, that touching Obama was like touching a tar baby.  After that, Pat Buchanan, in a converstation with Al "A Pimp Named Slickback" Sharpton, refered to the President as "his [Sharpton's] boy."  Both of these touched a big, black, militant nerve with me...there has been so much thinly veiled racism and bigotry in our political discourse since Barack was sworn in.  I may not agree with every thing that he is doing, but those of you that are his critics must understand that the president does not and can not do anything by himself.  In today's atmosphere, political acumen is measured by how much you can stifle the other side and pander to your base and not by how well you can make compromises for the better good.  To put it simply:  Congress is so busy hating on each other that it's damn near impossible for anything to pass (see: the debt ceiling fiasco).  Not just pointing the fingers at the Republicans...the Democrats are just as much to blame for the gridlock.

But I digress...even with the nastiness that is inherent with American politics, the racial component at one figure wasn't as strong as its been recently.  Am I to believe that the fact it came along with the nation's first black president was a coincidence?  Let's take the first incident...Mr. Lamborn was pulling the same "the other party's president is at fault for all the problems" card but the fact that he refered to our President as a tar baby was too far....WAY too far.  Now of course he's gonna refer to the fact that the first definition of tar baby was someone that was stuck in a quagmire (a real one...not the giggity one) and not necassarily a black person.  That's like saying that a faggot is a bundle of sticks...but when someone says it you know they ain't talking about no damn sticks.  Of course you know he's going to apologize and say he wasn't aware of the reference.  You can't blame ignorance all the time...the only politician that can get away with that was Dubya becuase he was a plum fool  You can't play the "I don't know card" on EVERYTHING race related.  What made you think it was ok to sign a pledge saying that black children were better off under slavery because they grew up in a two parent household?  What made you think it was ok to photoshop a watermelon patch in front of the White House?  The correct answer is:  there isn't anything that even remotely lets you know that it is/should be ok.

And what would make you think it'd be cool to call the President of these United States of Amerikkka a boy???  That gets under my skin to a level almost too much for words.  To call me a boy...a grown ass man a a level of disrespect that sends me into a rage that'll make you think that I was listening to every Waka Flocka song.  I'd ALMOST rather a white person drop the N-bomb on me than call me a boy.  Calling me a boy assumes that you're above me in some way, shape, or form and I'm not about that life.  Hell I snapped on a baseball parent in high school because he called me a boy.  Technically? Yes I probably was classified as a boy in any other circle but I'm not about to have a white person call me a boy...period.  Not to say that one person is better than anyone in terms of personal worth, but the POTUS should be someone that you reserve a great deal of respect for.  You can hate their guts and their politics, but you return his phone calls (Boehner).  You don't spread lies about him being a Kenyan muslim terrorist (Trump).  You stand up and salute that man when the motorcade drives by and mumble your true thoughts under your breath.  Some of these politicians are taking this freedom of speech thing too far...I guess that's too much to ask to treat the first black president with the same respect as the others.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

All Growed Up-Vanessa Baden

This is Vanessa Baden...better known as Kyra Rockmore from Kenan & Kel.  I was watching Teen Nick the other day (that channel is WINNING by bringing back the 90s shows) and got curious as to what she was up to these days.  Man the years have been very kind to her...not like that girl from Family Matters that starting doing porn when her parents spent all of her dough.  Had the biggest crush on her when I was Kyra is all growed up...


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Lil B Phenomenon

So...I've come around on Lil B The Based God.  At first I dismissed him and his music...but that's because I wasn't based back then.  Hip hop snobs kill me talking down on him.  Look...what ever happened to the days when cats could have fun on the mic?  Everyone takes themselves too seriously...either you gotta rap about being gangsta or spending money they don't have.  Maybach music my about Honda Accord music (no shot at Ross b/c I like his music...just that he's one of the few that can actually afford one)?  All music doesn't have to meet the same end...some can just be fun to listen to.  So what he said he's white like Asher Roth?  Just bug out and keep it moving. WOO WOO SWACK.  Not saying he's the next Lil Wayne...but remember about 5-6 years ago when everyone said Lil Wayne was crazy because no one knew what he was talking about?  They all said his mixtapes were he's the hottest thing since sliced bread and sweet tea.  Just let Lil B have his fun...he has a large viral following here and around the world.  He's doing his thing...let him create and stay in his lane.

But with all that being said...he still can't fuck my bitch.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google+ So Far

This new fangled Google+, for those who haven't heard, is Google's new hat in the social networking realm (after pretty epic fails with Wave and Buzz).  I've read some articles and blogs about it and people are so quick to compare it to Facebook.  Right now it has an early Facebook feel (i.e. few, like minded users) but its different and, in my humble opinion, has the potential to be so much more.  Google+ gives you more control over who can see what and how you group your friends. Great feature for those who like to compartmentalize social networking like myself (I don't want my co workers and friend's mommas seeing what I put on Twitter lol).  I like the Huddle feature a lot's essentially a chat room with a select group of friends.  With the mobile apps you can take them and contribute on the go. I'm waiting for the resurrection of the Knock Phi BBM group where epic buggage occured.  But with that being said...its a little boring now because I only have like 10 friends.  Social networking with a small network isn't very fun...but whenever Google works out the kinks and opens it up to everyone, Google+ has the potential to be a great place to interact and share with friends. It's by invite only so if you get one check it out here.  I'll be able to invite you so hit me up if you want one.  Gotta figure out a way to make it harder for people to find me...can't have people looking me up by government name all willy nilly.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Buggage:Turquoise Jeep Records

Heatrock from the Smang It crew.  I'm bust this dance out soon...lemme me get drunk and this song comes on.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Bad Meets Evil-Fast Lane

Dope track from Royce Da 5'9 and Eminem...glad they squashed their differences and went back to making good music.  Not gonna lie...I slept on Royce for a while.  I always heard he was dope but never listened to him like that...there was this mixtape that came out when I was in college but other than that I kept him on the back burner.  Then that Slaughterhouse joint dropped and I paid attention again.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Gay's Been In The News Recently

First things first...started a new blog earlier this week on Tumblr.  It's gonna be for random pictures and thoughts that are too long for Twitter but too short for a thoughtful post here.  This is going to be quality (thoughtful, deep, and thought provoking...hopefully), the Tumblr will be quantity.  Check it out @

Without further ado...

This past week the state of New York passed a law legalizing gay marriage...and the innanets blew up.  Gay people and gay marriage advocates celebrated the move while America's uber-conservatives blasted it saying it was the end of the American family.  Never understood the push back against gay marriage...I'm not gay but I've never had a problem with them as human the end of the day people are people and deserve the same level of respect and love.  The whole "marriage is a sacred institution" argument is dead to me...we have reality TV shows that pretty much auction off love to the highest advertisement bidder and to the participants hand picked by the producers.  Hell there was even a show "Who Wants To Marry a Millionaire?"...miss me with that bull.  On a deeper level, I'm a black man so I'm not going to stand for anyone else being persecuted for any reason.  It wasn't too long ago that there were court cases legalizing interracial marriage (someone correct me if I'm was a case in Maryland in the 70s?). would two guys getting married getting married in NY affect your bad ass emo kid in TX?  How about you pay your child some attention and let them be themselves gay, straight, or otherwise.  Gay marriage hasn't and will not hurt the American family, too much TV and parents living their dreams through their kids have almost done irreparable harm.  Hope they legalize it everywhere...hopefully that'll end this down low brother phenomenon that Oprah created.  I hate that people think that black dudes have booty hole parties while we're playing Madden...and I've heard that from more than just black women.  It's amazing what an episode of Oprah and Law & Order:SVU can do.

In other gay news, Lil B released his album entitled I'm Gay (I'm Happy).  When he told the crowd at Coachella that name of his new project, the innanets blew up (again).  People actually issued death threats on him (of course they're just scare tactics...but still smh).  He had to add the subtitle just so people got the point...he's just using a word that has a negative connotation in today's homophobic hip hop landscape in it's original sense.  Love him or hate him, Lil B has a dedicated following and is out to make a statement, just not with top notch lyrics.  His music is more conversational then lyrical but that doesn't make it "bad."  I gave it a listen and I dig it...he's just speaking from the heart and letting his emotions have to respect that.  Based God held it down with this one...but he still cant fuck my bitch...swack.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Random Thoughts: BET Awards

Everyone that knows me knows that I hate BET. I was home from work last night...and I wasn't going to watch it at first.  But when you put BET, ignant niggas, technology, and Birdman all in the same room hilarity is bound to ensue.  And boy they didn't disappoint.  I got put in Twitter jail last night because I was buggin so hard.  Here are some of my thoughts about last night.
-I'm going to need for Tiffany Green to enter the Witness Protection Program.  That EPIC FAIL was one for the ages.  I'm not sure who was to blame for the discrepancy between the tablet and the teleprompter but she's gonna take the fall for it.  BET could have handled it better too...but you know...they're BET.

-Where was 50 Tyson?

-My exact reaction when Cee Lo came out looking like the black bomb bird from Angry Birds: "LJHFDGLJBGLJNFALKaaaaflksdfgk;KFGSF!!!!!" I couldn't breeve.

-Jill lawd.  She can have all of my musically talented babies.  And Free?? DAT. ASS.

-Those new artists were dope...but their wardrobe?  Chick had a tutu on...I was done

-Hey Al Sharpton? I AIN'T TEXTING SHIT!

-Man...I don't know who who was doing the censoring but they need to get fired after last night.  It seems as though they thought cuss words were cool but the word directly following it was a bad one.  The FCC is caking up today in fines.
-Rick Ross...c'mon messing it up for big dudes everywhere.  Put a damn shirt on man.

-Braxton from the Jamie Foxx show >>> The Braxton sisters
-Chris Brown STILL has blonde hair?

-I'm gonna need someone else other than Kirk Franklin or Mary Mary to win a gospel award.

-BET did do one thing right...loved the tributes to Nate Dogg and Gil Scott Heron.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Buggage: GGN News

Snoop is a damn fool.  Still ain't figured out why Don Magic Juan smokes weed through his nose.  But that list? I. WAS. DEAD.


Monday, June 20, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Ashley Mar Shell-Witch Vodka

Check out the new hotness from my home girl Ashley Mar Shell.  She's doing her thing here in Raleigh...had a couple of showcases and tearing up every show she does.  If you haven't picked up her joint on iTunes check it out here.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Body Head Bangerz feat. Youngbloodz-I Smoke, I Drank (Remix)

Been talking about some deep stuff the last couple of days...figured I'd lighten it up and keep it ignant.  Been listening a lot of ignant songs from my formative years...this joint came on BET (back when it was ok to watch) and me and my brother got mad crunk in the room.  No reason at all, just jumping around.  IDK why they even put Joy Jones Jr.'s name on the track...he says two words. Hold on...

*Busts out ATL Stomp for good time's sake*


Monday, June 13, 2011

No Justice Anywhere...

In Oakland a couple of years ago a BART officer shot and killed an handcuffed and unarmed man named Oscar Grant.  Of course this caused a firestorm of controversy about use of lethal force which was compounded by the fact that the officer was white and Oscar (pictured above) was black.  Check out the cell phone footage here.  The cop that was involved only received a 2 year he got off that easy is anyone's guess (I'm not gonna play the race card...I'm gonna play the Justice System is Fucked Up card).  Well today the ex-BART office was released from prision early for good behavior.  No words are strong enough to properly describe the amount of fuckery at work here...a two year bid should have been warm up...they should have put him under the jail.  He shot a handcuffed, unarmed man that was on the two years...and the got out EARLY??? I know the Bay is on fire right now and rightfully justice, no peace.  Maybe one day there will be a justice system that doles out the right punishment every time.  But maybe that's too much to ask of Amerikkka.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tracy Morgan & America's Interest Group Bullies

Everyone's favorite 30 Rock cast member Tracy Jordan...I mean Tracy Morgan is in VERY hot water over some jokes he made at a recent stand up show.  During what I'm sure was a outrageous set Tracy said some very homophobic remarks about if his kids were to tell him they were gay.  Homophobia is a topic I currently struggle with because, contrary to my best attempts, I slip up and say something I probably shouldn't (primarily when I'm playing Call of Duty and some cat pulls some monkey shit for a kill).  But as a black man I can't stand by and be silent when anyone of any minority/opressed group has been I'm not a fan of the feelings conveyed by Tracy.  But, with that being said, you're a fool for paying attention to ANYTHING he has to say.  He's one of those cats that when he speaks you don't expect to learn anything from him...and I mean that in the most positive way possible.  His whole career has been based on random and outlandish comments.  I've seen his stand up and he doesn't have to stretch far, if at all, to play Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock.  As vile as his comments may have been to some, I'm sure that in the context of the joke it would have made more sense (if only someone would have given him the Michael Richards treatment and recorded it.  C'mon's 2011!).  Maybe not to the point to where some people would be less mad, but to a place where you can see where he was trying to get at....words are almost never as bad as they seem when they're placed in the proper context.

The thing about this story (and many like it) that kills me is the constant (over)reaction that inevitably occurs when a public figure makes a controversial statement.  This is a rough timeline of what usually happens in these situations:

STEP 1. Figure makes controverisal statement.  Live goes on as normal.

STEP 2. The innanets take the story and put it in everyone's face (if it's anything dealing with gay people Perez Hilton will be in the mix.  He's like a gay blogger prophet or something)

STEP 3. Public figure makes a public apology, almost certainly written by someone in their camp who went to college and double majored in mass communications and damage control.  Colleagues/co-workers starting to pan the comments so they can keep their jobs

STEP 4. Talking heads say the apology isn't good enough and start calling for their head.  The mindless drones that hang to every word they say (read: the public) start chanting for the figure to quit/resign

STEP 5. After a firestorm of controversy and the threat of sponsors pulling out, the embattled public figure resigns and goes to some type of rehab

In today's uber senstive/politically correct society anything that's seen as offensive is magnified by some marginal group that's looking for its 15 seconds of fame.  It seems as though the heads of these organizations peruse the headlines and look for anything that will possibly give them revalance (wait...what am I saying?  That's EXACTLY what happens).  In this story, that group is GLAAD, who recently called for Tracy to remove the joke from his act and apologize to those affected by gay violence.  A noble act that I'm sure crossed his mind (or the mind of that person in his camp that went to school for damage control) but here's a better question: who died and made GLAAD the king of gay rights?  Why does he have to bend to their will?  You know why?...because if he did buck them and went about it his way he'd be panned as REALLY being homophobic and the rage of America's closet homophobes would come down upon him.  That's what sad about these stories...these groups use this fact to bully people into doing things there were probably going to do anyway.  I'm all for Tracy Morgan showing contrition and attempting to heal the wounds his wounds caused, but do you know what would show the public serious?  If he did on his own accord...but GLAAD won't let that happen.  I truly hope that Tracy Morgan learns from the situation and matures as a person.  Not only because I genuinely hope that for all people when they have trials...but 30 Rock wouldn't be the same without him.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Big K.R.I.T. feat. Ludacris and Bun B-Country Sh*t (Remix)

Dope track...definitely doesn't hurt that it has two of my all time favorite MCs.   I went to see K.R.I.T a month or so far the best show I've ever seen.  The energy was there and the crowd was giving it back to him.  I wasn't a big fan before because I hadn't heard much of his stuff, but now I'm definitely a fan.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Random Funnies-Rage Comics Edition

The funniest set of memes this side of LEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKINSSS!!! These comics give me life through laughter...the innanets are powerful.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Ruck Fihanna

This is the new video from America's favorite Caribbean crazy chick songtress Rhianna.  Let me start by saying this:  I don't like what Chris Brown did to Rhianna...I don't agree with hitting women.  But, honestly, I've been close and know that's another level of rage I hope to never reach again.  So no I don't like it but he's human and it's easy enough to give in to that raw emotion. With that being said...I'm getting really tired of Rhianna capitalizing off of that incident. Yes...she was indeed a victim when she was beaten...but no one else found it odd that she didn't do interviews until more that 10 months later right when her new album came out?  Plus they're two sides to every story...not saying she deserved the Mike Tyson treatment but if a chick throws my phone out the car she's at least getting shook (I'm 29.4% choking...I mean joking).  There are many stories about Rhi being a crazy horny chick...put two and two together and it's easy to guess that she was talking cold shit to Breezy that night in the Lambo.  It's just a hella double standard...if Breezy was to make a video with any reference to that infamous night he'd be a immature kid that needs to go to anger management again.  But it seems like she's being celebrated for a video that shows her fighting killing a dude.  So...if she would have had a gun that night Chris would be dead?  Maybe I'm stretching with that one...but I think it's high time for Rhianna to move on and be back to being known for being an artist rather than Chris Brown's speed bag.  It's also time for all these uber-urban-feminists to realize that Rhianna is crazy as hell and stop telling us that every time she acts out it's because of Chris...miss me with the the bull.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Random Funnies-Mixtape Edition shouldn't give ninjas Photoshop.


You Gotta Be Kidding Me

*le blank stare*

I've seen some wild stuff in my day...but this takes the pun intended.  Because she'd prolly eat it.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Buggage: Shawt Bus Reloaded

Here's the remix to everyone's Brick Squad parody "Shawt Bus Shawty." They're dead on with the impressions...I'm convinced they somehow got Nikki Minaj for this one.  And I was DED @ Waka playing Call of Duty...he's the soundtrack to all of my killstreaks.  Enjoy.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Random Thoughts: 252 Trip Edition

1. REALLY don't feel like driving to work today. Driving an hour in a suit? More than likely gonna be uncomfortable.

2. The more I come home and chill with my friends, the more I realize I'm getting old. Going to house parties with damn near high schoolers and what not...feels like the feds are tryna set me up R. Kelly style.

3. Seeing rednecks argue at Wal-Mart will ALWAYS be funny. Watching the rent-a-cops try to exercise real authority is amusing as well. Me and my homeboy pulled up right at the good part...Wal-Mart does sell everything...they even give away free buggage scenarios.

4. I realized why my mom is so paranoid even though me and my brother are both grown. All she watches on tv are those crime shows (i.e. Snapped, Cold Case Files) she thinks that everyone is trying to kill us for insurance money.

5. The Netflix app for Android is everything to me right now. Black Dynamite and 30 Rock on the go? #winning

6. After these playoffs if you say LeBron is not clutch, you're either braindead or the most diabolical hater this side of the Mississippi.

7. Again...any questions you have for me send them to Trying to set up some posts where I give ignant ass answers to ignant ass questions....need your help to make it happen.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Back from Hiatus/Call of Duty: MW3 Trailer

First I'd like to apologize to my followers for not posting in such a long time.  Had a lot of things come up and haven't made the time to share my thoughts like I should.  Not sure how many of you all missed me but I'm back posting on a regular basis (hopefully). 

I'd also like to add another feature to the blog:  Ask Dub.  Nothing major...just ask me any questions about any subject and I'll post the answers on my blog.  I'm still trying to figure out a way to add some sort of widget on the side of the page (anyone one with the knowledge feel free to hit me up) but in the meantime e-mail them to  I've added the account to my phone and I'll answer them as soon as I get them.  But without further ado...let me get you back to the blog post already in progress...

New trailer for MW3 coming out this November.  Yeah...It's as good as copped


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden's Dead...Now What?

So...we finally got America's boogeyman...the guy we've been checking under the bed and in the closet for. Last Sunday a team of Navy SEALS kicked in the door wavin the 44 and killed Osama bin Laden at his compound not too far from the capital of Pakistan.  When I got home from work that night and turned on the news I saw people openly celebrating the death. I saw signs, American flags, the whole nine.

Before I go on let me say this: I'm as patriotic as a young, angry black man can be. I was affected as all Americans were on September 11th, 2001 and I'm glad that the mastermind of those attacks has been brought to justice.

I was definitely taken back by the large public displays of jubilation.  Am I glad that bin Laden has been brought to justice? Most definitely.  Do I think the world is better off without him here? Probably. But that's not my call to make...that's not ANYONE'S call to make in my opinion. I find it hard to celebrate anyone's death.  Besides...death is an easy escape...if you wanted him to pay...lock his ass up and throw away the key.  Not saying "torture" him...but make his life a living hell instead of taking his life.  But even beyond that...people that were being interviewed that night were saying this brought closure to them and that we avenged the people who died on 9/11.  I'm not so sure...the people who followed him died that day technically those physically responsible are already dead.  The radical Muslims (not to be confused with all Muslims...not even most of them) that followed him went off of what he said and taught them. He did his work far from the battlefield and  doesn't have to be alive for fact he may do more harm dead than alive.  We've turned a man from a living legend to a martyr...and I'm more worried about his influence as the latter.  Instead of partying on the street like jackasses we need to be even more vigilant so we won't have a false sense of security and be susceptible to another attack.  And let's stop making a fuss for these pictures...that'll just piss off the people already hell bent on blowing us up.  It doesn't make Obama weak...just smart enough to realize it would inflame the radicals more than they already are.  Besides, do you really want your kids looking at a picture of bin Laden with a hole in his head? Yeah...didn't think so.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The End of the Birther Issue? Naw...

The biggest political conspiracy since the government's involvement in 9/11 is over...or at least it should be.  A group of GOPers called birthers have maintained since '08 (and even before then) that President Obama was not born in the United States, therefore making him constitutionally ineligible for the presidency.  Even though it's incredibly ludicrous that a man could live, thrive, and hold public office for this long without being a US citizen, this movement has gained momentum over the last 6 months.  Arizona (the capital of political fuckery) actually passed a bill through its state legislature stating all presidential candidates had to provide a copy of their birth certificate before appearing on ballot....thankfully the governor vetoed it.  Louisiana had a similar bill in its legislature but didn't have the same type of support.  Then Donald Trump, apparently the GOP's next big star if you pay attention to the polls, has vowed to get to the bottom of it and take the president to task on this issue.  Well Mr. Trump the White House beat you to it:  today Barack Obama released his original birth certificate.  Even though this should, I know there are idiots are are still not satisfied with this and believe he's a Kenyan born Muslim...but those people prolly have 3 teeth and are married to their brother/sister so I'm not too sure they count.

This issue highlights two issues for me. For starters, the majority of birthers are just closet racists still salty about their Old Dude and his Nurse ticket (McCain-Palin) didn't work.  I've maintained this since the election:  if you don't agree with Obama's politics then that's one thing.  But if you don't think he's qualified because he's not a citizen or a Muslim (even if he was a and your argument is completely devoid of politics then you're a racist...period.  If Obama was white and his dad was European there wouldn't be anyone up in arms because they thought he was born in England.  But even beyond that, it shows how they do not respect the president.  He's the only president that has had to answer these type of questions.  It's like people believe he's incompetent just because he's black (as well as other personal/racist like this and  this have been circulating in Republican emails for a while).  I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Obama does, but if you don't agree challenge him on his record not on where he's born and his religion.  All the birthers are doing are showing how ignorant they are.  I'm actually kind of disappointed he released it...there are bigger fish to fry, like this the rising cost of goods and the stagnation of wages, and he spent time and energy dealing with something silly.  You didn't have to get down in the mud with them Mr. President.
