Monday, January 31, 2011

'Angry Birds' Is Taking Over The World

This is trailer for a new Angry Birds game coming out in tandem with the new animated movie "Rio."  The people at Rovio (developer of Angry Birds) has struck gold with this game...they took a simple concept and have built a mobile app juggernaut.  The game has sold 495742354 million downloads (OK...I made up that number...but you get what I'm saying)...between the 3 major smartphone platforms (i.e. Symbian, iOS, Android) Angry Birds is a legend in the mobile app game.  Who new using a slingshot to fling birds at pigs could be so addictive?  They have released versions for Halloween and Christmas with one planned for Valentine's Day.  Gotta love this new world where you can take a seemingly simple idea and make a medium sized fortune from it.  With the advent of the 24 hr news cycle and the innanets you can gain a cult following and turn them in to a self perpetuating hype/marketing machine.  Take the Snuggie for example...someone put on a robe backwards and told their friends they were gonna start selling them.  Then the commercials went viral and the hype spread like warm, snuggly wildfire.  I'm on a mission to have one of the ideas so I can make a quick but so I can fulfill two dreams I've had since I was a kid:

1.  Build the "Kiss My Ass" ranch.  It's going to be a regular ranch...with a big sign out front that says "Kiss My Ass"

2.  Be the first dude to have sex in space.  Zero gravity will make the orgasm so much better...I think it will at least

I've been trying to create one for years.  I had one for bottled ice (for those days when you have a hot soda but need a container with ice that has a lid) but everyone thinks I'm crazy.  That's what they said about the person that thought of putting water in a you have people that won't drink water out of the tap.  I'm on a mission.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sign Of The Apocalypse: Flavor Flav's Fried Chicken

I know I've already dealt with this topic in a previous post...but since some of it actually came true I felt like I needed to revisit it.  America's favorite minstrel Flavor Flav actually opened up a fried chicken joint...aptly named Flav's Fried Chicken.  Like I said before, I'm not against the fact that he's opening a restaurant and investing some of his reality show money...but out of all the ventures that were presented to him did he HAVE to choose fried chicken?? It's too don't even have to reach for a racist joke...there are some rednecks in Alabama loving this.  Wait...rednecks don't know how to use the internet...never mind.  Flav actually has a culinary degree and was a head chef before he was with Public Enemy (ok..he was a head chef at a court house and a school...but it still counts!) so I guess he's putting it to use. REALLY hurt to type that last don't have to go to school to fry chicken.  This whole situation reminds me of a Paul Mooney bit about a KFC commercial starring MC Hammer dancing for chicken.  I wonder what Chuck D thinks about this...he's probably plotting an insurrection as we speak.  I guess I wish him well in this venture...but if he sells a watermelon-flavored ANYTHING I'm blowing it up...


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Lawd? Antoine Dodson's Reality Show

In "We HAVE to do better" news...Antoine Dodson of YouTube fame is getting his own reality show.  Exactly what this has to offer to society I have no idea.  I'm not sure what network it's going to be on but I'm sure even VH1, the home of reality shows for C-list celebs, has enough sense to not show this fuckery.  He didn't save anyone...he wasn't heroic...all he did was tell people what he WOULD have done if he would have saw the guy that was trying to get to his sister.  If you've been under a rock for the past 6 months watch the original story here.  Another example of the intersection of Capitalism and America's favorite past time:  having black people on TV acting like fools.  There's NO WAY anyone with sense thinks this is a good idea.  That profit motive is a bitch, huh?  Just goes to show:  if you're willing to coon out, there will be someone there to pay you handsomely to do so.  I guess you can't be mad at him...he's definitely milking his 15 minutes of fame for all it's worth.  He's made money from the single on iTunes, had a Halloween costume, and even made an ignant ass appearance at the BET Awards.  You know hard you have to try to make a BET awards show WORSE?  I hate the institution of Antoine Dodson (SN: if one more white person tells me to run and tell that homeboy I'm going to strangle them) but I'm not mad at him individually...I just hope he uses this money and enriches his life long term rather than just buying perms and flamboyant clothes.


On second though...hell yeah I'm mad at his ass! HE MUST BE STOPPED!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

What I'm Listening To: Westside Connection-It's The Holidaze

Another song I used to jam all the time when I was in high school.  WC crips walks over the place but I still like the beat.  One thing about all the Friday movies:  they all had pretty good songs on the soundtracks.  I guess that's what happens when you have Ice Cube starring YAY YAY!!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Karma vs. LeBron James

The basketball player that America and Cleveland loves to hate is back on his villain grind. The tweet above was posted on Lebron's twitter page a couple of days ago in response to Cleveland getting their asses WHOOPED by Kobe & Co.  It's common knowledge how Cleveland went crazy when he left to play for Miami...the owner of the Cavs posted a now infamous rant in Comic Sans venting his frustration.  People started wishing bad on him...really turned into an ugly situation.  When asked about the message, James stated the message did not come from him but was sent to him and he forwarded it.  What LeBron needs to realize is that there's no difference:  it's YOUR Twitter anything that was posted is thought to be from you.  Even if you weren't the author of the decided that it was important/funny/vindictive enough to post it so it's still coming from you.  Karma did end up being a bitch...he twisted his ankle last night against the Clippers and is day-to-day.  I feel where you're coming from...hell I agree with you too.  I'm still a LeBron fan but let's be classy...we all know the Cavs suck...don't kick them when you're down.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

When E-Thugging Goes Wrong

Words of wisdom:  If you're e-thugging...STOP! Especially if you're a young cat with a country ass uncle LMAO.  He's gonna have to transfer to another school after this one...


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ted Williams & The Power Of The Innanets

If you were to look up the definition of a feel good story on the internet, this video would have to come up.  Ted Williams is a man with a golden voice that, after a bout with drugs and alcohol, was a homeless man in Columbus, OH panhandling on the side of the road.  He had the longest sign in homeless dude history...which was probably a smart marketing decision because, instead of reading it, people wanted to hear him talk.  Literally overnight, we went from the streets to the interview room:  this guy has been flooded with offers from everyone to the Cleveland Cavaliers (they probably need him on the court more) and NFL films to Kraft Foods (watching CNN earlier today...he was doing some voice over work for them today).  Last I heard he took the Cavs job and they're going to get him a house too.  Another tribute to the power of these here innanets...just sheer luck and a video camera has changed this man's life...he's back in NY to see his mom he hasn't seen in a long time.  Good job Mr. Williams...I hope you take this 2nd chance and run with it...and get some groupies along the way.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Skillz 2010 Rap-Up

This is year's wrap up from the homie Skillz.  I feel old...I've been jamming off these since 2003.  He does a solid job with these...he also did one for The Wire but I haven't listened to that one.  I'm like the last person in America that hasn't watched that show.  The main daime Kendall is on the case though...I'm borrow his DVDs and get hooked like cooked crack.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let Bygones Be Bygones

Looks like Phonte (aka my Doppelganger) and 9th Wonder (excuse me...Grammy Award winner 9th Wonder) have squashed their beef and settled their differences.  On Twitter Phonte said there's not a new Little Brother project in the works or anything but a possibility of that isn't why I'm so happy to see this happen.  Maybe its just me...but when I heard Phonte talk about the situation it seemed like it was still hurt about how it went down and how one of his closest friends wasn't in his corner anymore.  Beyond the music...LB was a group that came from a group of talented ass boys.  Little Brother makes me proud to be from NC because it shows people that we're more that Petey Pablo...we actually have real talent and every LB record has showcased that.  I'm really happy for these guys...they can never drop another Little Brother album and that'll be fine:  I'm happy for them as individuals.
