Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The End of the Birther Issue? Naw...

The biggest political conspiracy since the government's involvement in 9/11 is over...or at least it should be.  A group of GOPers called birthers have maintained since '08 (and even before then) that President Obama was not born in the United States, therefore making him constitutionally ineligible for the presidency.  Even though it's incredibly ludicrous that a man could live, thrive, and hold public office for this long without being a US citizen, this movement has gained momentum over the last 6 months.  Arizona (the capital of political fuckery) actually passed a bill through its state legislature stating all presidential candidates had to provide a copy of their birth certificate before appearing on ballot....thankfully the governor vetoed it.  Louisiana had a similar bill in its legislature but didn't have the same type of support.  Then Donald Trump, apparently the GOP's next big star if you pay attention to the polls, has vowed to get to the bottom of it and take the president to task on this issue.  Well Mr. Trump the White House beat you to it:  today Barack Obama released his original birth certificate.  Even though this should, I know there are idiots are are still not satisfied with this and believe he's a Kenyan born Muslim...but those people prolly have 3 teeth and are married to their brother/sister so I'm not too sure they count.

This issue highlights two issues for me. For starters, the majority of birthers are just closet racists still salty about their Old Dude and his Nurse ticket (McCain-Palin) didn't work.  I've maintained this since the election:  if you don't agree with Obama's politics then that's one thing.  But if you don't think he's qualified because he's not a citizen or a Muslim (even if he was a and your argument is completely devoid of politics then you're a racist...period.  If Obama was white and his dad was European there wouldn't be anyone up in arms because they thought he was born in England.  But even beyond that, it shows how they do not respect the president.  He's the only president that has had to answer these type of questions.  It's like people believe he's incompetent just because he's black (as well as other personal/racist like this and  this have been circulating in Republican emails for a while).  I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Obama does, but if you don't agree challenge him on his record not on where he's born and his religion.  All the birthers are doing are showing how ignorant they are.  I'm actually kind of disappointed he released it...there are bigger fish to fry, like this the rising cost of goods and the stagnation of wages, and he spent time and energy dealing with something silly.  You didn't have to get down in the mud with them Mr. President.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Justice for Tanya McDowell

I've heard horror stories about the state of America's public school system (in so many words: IT'S F*CKED UP), but this story is extraordinarily sad. Tanya McDowell is a homeless single mother that used her friend's address so that her son could go to a better performing school.  When this was found out, she was charged with 1st degree larceny and conspiracy to commit 1st degree larceny (that seems like a bit are you going to charge someone with conspiracy to commit a crime AND the crime itself. Isn't just one enough?).  These charges can place her in jail for up to 20 years and a $15,000 fine.  If that's not enough, the friend that whose address she used?  She was evicted from her public housing apartment.  There's just so much wrong with this picture...Ms. McDowell didn't commit a violent crime...but she could potentially receive more time than some murders and rapists?  Let's further examine the ass-backwardsness of this situation:  so to punish her for "stealing" schooling (funny concept since it's a public school...that's like stealing a public road because you're driving when your license is suspended), you're going to place her in prison (paid for with tax dollars) with her son having to go to foster care (also costing tax dollars)?  On top of that, you're going to punish her friend from public housing?  She was in public housing because she needed the assistance...but now she's on the street.  Too many lives turned upside down for something that could have been remedied by moving the school to the proper school in his district.  And you know the one that's losing the most in the situation?  The kid who not only can potentially lose his mom for his formative years, but has to learn in a school that's less than.  Sad day when a parent can go to jail for wanting the best for her child.  They'd crush her but not say/do ANYTHING to the housewives that recieved over $200 million in bailout money.  *Don King voice* ONLY IN AMERICA!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Protect Your Wifi!

Here's a cautionary tale about when sharing your innanets goes wrong.  If you're too lazy to read the story, one guy did not have his wireless router password protected.  Well his neighbor was downloading child porn and other illegal items through his router.  The feds caught on and kicked in his door, not his neighbor's.  Eventually he cleared his name but the damange was done...he was a pariah in his neighborhood.  On top of that, he had to deal with the mental/physical scars of getting his door kicked in by the feds (if you're not aware, when they kick your door in they're not too worrired about respecting your home or making sure they dont hurt you: THEY MEAN BIDNESS).  I keep mine protected on principle:  the only people using my network are those I give the password mooching off what I paid for son.  Take heed:  don't leave your router open...PROTECT YA NECK!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Buggage: You Forgot the Bluebe-WHAM!

I think this one speaks for itself.  And don't start no "You going to hell for laughing at that little kid"'s funny regardless.  She shouldn't have hopped her bad ass up there to begin with.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Random Funnies Vol. 3

I think I'm going to do these every my readers get through the Monday Blues.  Enjoy.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogging All Over The World

First of all...thanks to all that have read my blog and support my ignance.  I've been posting more often lately...hope you all like what I'm putting out there.  So the other day I got bored and looked at my blog stats and realized that my blog is being read by people from all over the world.  Made me feel really good...that my silly ass thoughts are being read by people outside of the USA...the power of the innanets is real.  If you're one of these individuals reading my blog from the beyond the borders of the US, then a special thank you is in order.  You all brave time differences to read my ignant thoughts...well maybe not but that's how I imagined it.  Just let me keep on thinking that.  If it's not too much to ask...I'd like for you all to send me a little something from your location...there's nothing like something from the source.

RUSSIA-I'm tryna get some of that good vodka.  One of those bottles with no English...strong enough to make my brave a Siberian winter in a pair of balling shorts and a wife beater.

ENGLAND-I've always wanted to try some of that tea.  You all take time out the middle of the day to drink has to be great, right?

CANADA-I COULD go up there...but I never learned any French in high school.  Can someone send me some maple syrup?

GERMANY-3 things:  Beer, chocolate, and sausage (just in case I need this...#pause)

I'll return the favor.  Since we're the home of bad reality shows and Tyler Perry movies, I'll send you a DVD set of Jersey Shore and Meet The Browns.  Wait...I'm trying to gain readers and not lose them...scratch that.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Random Thoughts: Lupe Fiasco @ Duke Edition

-So...went to see Lupe Fiasco tonight at Duke...and I wasn't feeling it.  Not only the weather and the drunk chicks wanting to get put on guys shoulders with their muddy ass Uggs on...but I really didn't like his set.  He did the majority of his set from this new album Lasers.  I haven't heard it...but from what I heard tonight I'm not too sure if I want to now.  The energy was there but the lyrics weren' ALL.  I don't know what happened to his content...probably has a lot to do with his label situation....but he's changed.  Saying he sell out would be harsh...but he's one step below it. Food & Liquor/The Cool Lupe >>>>>>> Lasers goes on my ass.


-And while I'm on the subject....I'm all for celebrities using their fame to make political statements and make changes in their spheres of influence, but I think Lupe has taken it a little too far.  My brother made a statement and I can't agree more:  "He's a clown now.  He's so over-the-top political that he's become a caricature of himself."  During the show he was like "Your tax dollars are used to pay for bombs and bullets."  Ok...that's cool...but what are we going to do?...not pay taxes?  Ask Wesley Snipes how well that goes..

-IDK who the sound engineer was...but they had the wrong set up.  It seemed like a club set up rather than a concert set up.  They had ALL the when you're at the club/bar trying to party...not cool when you're trying to hear lyrics.

-DAMN! It's 3am and MY FEET STILL HURT! I need some Dr. Scholls or something.

Nothing to do with the Lupe show...but Atlanta Hawks legend Dominique Wilkins went Ali on this ex-referee tonight.  He might not have started the fight...but he damn sure finished it.
