Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bin Laden's Dead...Now What?

So...we finally got America's boogeyman...the guy we've been checking under the bed and in the closet for. Last Sunday a team of Navy SEALS kicked in the door wavin the 44 and killed Osama bin Laden at his compound not too far from the capital of Pakistan.  When I got home from work that night and turned on the news I saw people openly celebrating the death. I saw signs, American flags, the whole nine.

Before I go on let me say this: I'm as patriotic as a young, angry black man can be. I was affected as all Americans were on September 11th, 2001 and I'm glad that the mastermind of those attacks has been brought to justice.

I was definitely taken back by the large public displays of jubilation.  Am I glad that bin Laden has been brought to justice? Most definitely.  Do I think the world is better off without him here? Probably. But that's not my call to make...that's not ANYONE'S call to make in my opinion. I find it hard to celebrate anyone's death.  Besides...death is an easy escape...if you wanted him to pay...lock his ass up and throw away the key.  Not saying "torture" him...but make his life a living hell instead of taking his life.  But even beyond that...people that were being interviewed that night were saying this brought closure to them and that we avenged the people who died on 9/11.  I'm not so sure...the people who followed him died that day technically those physically responsible are already dead.  The radical Muslims (not to be confused with all Muslims...not even most of them) that followed him went off of what he said and taught them. He did his work far from the battlefield and  doesn't have to be alive for fact he may do more harm dead than alive.  We've turned a man from a living legend to a martyr...and I'm more worried about his influence as the latter.  Instead of partying on the street like jackasses we need to be even more vigilant so we won't have a false sense of security and be susceptible to another attack.  And let's stop making a fuss for these pictures...that'll just piss off the people already hell bent on blowing us up.  It doesn't make Obama weak...just smart enough to realize it would inflame the radicals more than they already are.  Besides, do you really want your kids looking at a picture of bin Laden with a hole in his head? Yeah...didn't think so.


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