Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sign Of The Apocalypse: Flavor Flav's Fried Chicken

I know I've already dealt with this topic in a previous post...but since some of it actually came true I felt like I needed to revisit it.  America's favorite minstrel Flavor Flav actually opened up a fried chicken joint...aptly named Flav's Fried Chicken.  Like I said before, I'm not against the fact that he's opening a restaurant and investing some of his reality show money...but out of all the ventures that were presented to him did he HAVE to choose fried chicken?? It's too easy...you don't even have to reach for a racist joke...there are some rednecks in Alabama loving this.  Wait...rednecks don't know how to use the internet...never mind.  Flav actually has a culinary degree and was a head chef before he was with Public Enemy (ok..he was a head chef at a court house and a school...but it still counts!) so I guess he's putting it to use.  Ok...it REALLY hurt to type that last sentence...you don't have to go to school to fry chicken.  This whole situation reminds me of a Paul Mooney bit about a KFC commercial starring MC Hammer dancing for chicken.  I wonder what Chuck D thinks about this...he's probably plotting an insurrection as we speak.  I guess I wish him well in this venture...but if he sells a watermelon-flavored ANYTHING I'm blowing it up...



  1. Okay, and I know I'm not the only one wondering, but - why Iowa?

  2. LMAO...you're not the only one I was thinking the same thing
