Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Lawd? Antoine Dodson's Reality Show

In "We HAVE to do better" news...Antoine Dodson of YouTube fame is getting his own reality show.  Exactly what this has to offer to society I have no idea.  I'm not sure what network it's going to be on but I'm sure even VH1, the home of reality shows for C-list celebs, has enough sense to not show this fuckery.  He didn't save anyone...he wasn't heroic...all he did was tell people what he WOULD have done if he would have saw the guy that was trying to get to his sister.  If you've been under a rock for the past 6 months watch the original story here.  Another example of the intersection of Capitalism and America's favorite past time:  having black people on TV acting like fools.  There's NO WAY anyone with sense thinks this is a good idea.  That profit motive is a bitch, huh?  Just goes to show:  if you're willing to coon out, there will be someone there to pay you handsomely to do so.  I guess you can't be mad at him...he's definitely milking his 15 minutes of fame for all it's worth.  He's made money from the single on iTunes, had a Halloween costume, and even made an ignant ass appearance at the BET Awards.  You know hard you have to try to make a BET awards show WORSE?  I hate the institution of Antoine Dodson (SN: if one more white person tells me to run and tell that homeboy I'm going to strangle them) but I'm not mad at him individually...I just hope he uses this money and enriches his life long term rather than just buying perms and flamboyant clothes.


On second though...hell yeah I'm mad at his ass! HE MUST BE STOPPED!!

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