Cee-Lo is without a doubt of my favorite artists regardless of genre (physical similarities aside). All of his music so soulful...you can tell he's SANGIN...so much more than regular singing. My favorite thing about his music is the evolution and the diversity in his catalog. From his early days with the Goodie Mob, from joining forces with Danger Mouse to form Gnarls Barkley, to his new solo projects he's went from being a top shelf lyricist to a highly sought after voice talent. Drake hopes to one day reach that level. He seems equally comfortable on every record he does...if you haven't heard any of his album I suggest you start. My favorite one is probably "Cee Lo Green & His Perfect Imperfections"...it shows off both of his talents equally and is a overall great album.
Anyone that I've had a conversation on politics knows that, even though I can't fully agree with the Democrats on everything, I CAN'T STAND REPUBLICANS. Not so much their beliefs and ideologies, but the mean-spirited dumb ass politicians that belong to the party. That intense dislike has been taken to another level with the appearance of the Tea Party...a group of hardcore GOPers that believe in small government and low taxes (...on the wealthy). These closeted racists seem to be hell bent on taking the country back...I'm assuming from the black president and the liberal policy makers (didn't see them around when everyone was making money under Clinton did you?). With the recent economic problems and stagnant labor market, they are seizing this opportunity to take over the nation's political discourse and are sure to make their presence felt in the national elections next November. These people MUST be stopped for the nation to move forward. Not only are they fracturing their own party (some pundits believe they will split the conservative vote because they're such hardcore fundamentalists) but they are not the group that's know for making concessions ANYWHERE. When you have leaders go on record as saying their main goal is to make sure Obama isn't re-elected and they don't want to compromise so Obama/the Democrats won't score political points there there is a SERIOUS problem. They're the main reason the debt deal went to the 11th hour...they're a group of people that would rather mess stuff up and gain political points for the next election than compromise for today's greater good. It's really sad because the people suffering are hard working middle class Americans. Hell during a debate there was cheering when Ron Paul was asked if a uninsured person should die under his health plan....what kind of shit is that? It may not be economically feasible to save every one, but I don't want to be in a country where public figures are spewing that type of venom publicly. Personally, I don't see how anyone that's been down and out at any point of their life can vote Republican. Not even racial minorities, but the poor and middle class and anyone that has to deal with any -ism (sexism, classism, ageism, etc). In my mind's eye, if you're not a young to middle aged, wealthy white male then the Republic rhetoric doesn't apply to you...but everyone can kick their boot how they see fit. But for those of you who want to see another side, the video has a smart man breaking down all the "lies" being told by the Republicans. Food for thought...
Dope track from two of my favorite artists. Today makes 15 years (damn I'm getting old) since Tupac was shot and killed in Vegas...and the police still ain't found shit out. Barney Fife would have been able to figure out who shot a rapper on the Vegas strip after a title fight...but then again this is America. RIP Pac
So today marks the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, a day that no one will ever be able to (or should) forget. It's funny how people of my parents' generation can still remember where they were then JFK was killed, becuase I'm the exact same way with 9/11. I was a 13 year old high school freshman walking from 1st period Geomotry to 2nd period Biology when I heard some commotion in the hallway about a plane flying in to the World Trade Center. I jetted down to the class room and saw the picture of that tower burning. My teacher (who apparently didn't understand the gravity of the situation) made us turn the TV off and gave us all an assignment to finish. We all burned through that worksheet, just to have her turn the TV on and see that a second plane had hit the WTC and another hit the Pentagon. The rest of the day was a fog...every class that day had the TVs on...class work didn't matter because we were all scared out of our minds. I'll never forget in 3rd period (after we had learned of the 4th plane that crashed in PA) there was a girl that had did some numerology or something to try to guess where the subsequent attacks would be. EVERYONE in the class thought she was The Oracle or something...we were all circled around her desk. They made us turn it off when i was in 5th period but that didn't matter...everyone's brain was stuck on the images from the news. My parents weren't home when I got home from school...that didn't help at all. I just remember this intense feeling of fear and anxiety...not even going to lie the memory of that feeling shakes me to this day. I'll never forget the images of people just jumping from the windows and their bodies just falling...or the screams of sheer terror when they showed amateur video of the planes crashing. The world was changed when those towers fell...
...with all of those memories getting rehashed today is honestly a little hard. I'll never be able to stop thinking of the people that couldn't get out and the sense of helplessness they undoubtedly felt. The Flight 93 movie came on and I couldn't watch it...it was too real for me. There are a lot of programs about the the day's events from many different points of view....I'm really interested to see how these come out so I can see how it affected different people. I thought the ceremonies and the monuments were done well...I hope the concert is a joyous event in honor of all who were lost. What I don't want to happen is a new wave of ani-Muslim sentiment...ALL Americans, including Muslims, died and/or were affected by the attacks. Not all Muslims are crazy enough to fly a plane into a building...as a matter of fact most Muslims are digusted by those who carried out these heinous acts. Let's stop with all this Muslim hate garbage...if I hear/see someone say they're gonna slap one with some bacon it'll be too damn soon. So for those who read this: let this be a day of rememberance, a celebration of life, and a time for all Americans to come together. That's exactly what those who died would have wanted.
Remember these kicks from Back To The Future II? The joints that laced themselves? Yeah me neither...but they look dope as hell...jawns even light up on the side. Well the good folks over at Nike are making 1,500 pair of these McFlys and auctioning them off on eBay with the proceeds going to the Michael J Fox Foundation. I'm not even a sneaker head but these shoes look DOPE. Shoe fiends be warned...these shoes aren't cheap...1st pair went for $37,000+. Even cooler is that the donations are getting matched up to $50 million. I really want to see a cure for Parkinson's in my lifetime...It's been sad to see it break MJ Fox down like it has. Share this with your balla ass friends...they'll cop a dope ass pair of kicks and help a damn good cause.
New video from Kid Cudi...this track is on his Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager album. To be honest, I've never been a big of artists changing up the arrangement of their song when they release the single/make an music video. The rock guitar threw me off...and the beat dropping and coming back in turned me off. But then again I'm used to listening to the album version so I can appreciate what he did. The song (and the album for that matter) isn't as depressing as the first one...but he killed "himself" at the end lol...Scott Mescudi is always keeping people guessing.
A classic track from Project Pat, the ignant prophet that doesn't have no beef with no coastis (a quote from when I interviewed him in college). This joint gave me the ammunition for many arguments in middle/high school...when you're 13 telling a chick she's has breath like some thunder is an automatic game changer.
There are certain times when I read a story about a celebrity and just shake my head in shame...then there are others that don't suprise me and I continue my daily activites. T.I.'s latest incident with the law made me do both. For those unaware, The Bankhead Ambassador has been locked down for the past year for a probation violation...again. He was scheduled to be released to a halfway to complete his sentence when he was placed back in custody when his tour bus came to pick him up from jail. Now...there isn't anything technically wrong or illegal with having your tour bus coming to pick you up from jail...but is it really the smartest thing? Like honestly, wouldn't you want to be as low key as possible? Hell I'd ride a tricycle if need be...as long as it kept me out of jail. T.I. has always been one of my favorite artists but over the past couple of years it's been pretty tough to be a fan. Not that his music has been slack, just he hasn't been free to release any new music (he's also all but killed his acting career and chances for endorsements, like the ones he had with Axe and Chevrolet). Even after the whole guns thing (which I STILL don't understand...it's like he was trying to play a real life game of Call Of Duty at his mansion shawty), it seems as though he's doing whatever he can to go back to jail. For example, if you and your lady have weed and Ex in the car and you're driving on the Las Vegas strip, wouldn't you want to make sure you're abiding by the traffic laws? You can't break all the laws shawty...driving the wrong way in the street is asking to get locked up. And if I'm not mistaken he was only free for a couple of weeks before that incident. He must be missing someone in prison because he can't wait to go back. If I was locked up, my number #1 job would formulate a strategy how to stay away from that place. And it's not like he's in a situation where he doesn't have any other options...just sit up in the hills and spend your money. I'm not about that recreational criminal life...let's see how long he stays out this time...