Thursday, February 17, 2011

Computer Woes/F.A.B. Fashion Blog

First and foremost, I'd like to apologize to my 3.2 readers that have missed's been too long since my last post.  I'm trying to make these things more regular, but the ignant muses don't strike me all the time like I want them to. Part of the reason is my Vaio being on the fritz.  I should have let well enough alone...I have a dead line of pixels in my screen.  The technician that came out ending up doing more harm than good...among other things, my track pad on my laptop doesn't work anymore (this blog post is especially frustrating because my space bar seems to me loose).  I didn't trust his's like they sent an old dude who worked on the first computer ever.  I swear he was was 2pm with all the lights on in the apartment and the windows open...he talking about he doesn't have enough light.  Damn need the sun in here too?  Ok...enough about that...

I'm all about showing love to other blogs.  My homegirl Ashley has a fashion blog stuff.  She's really big on reasonably priced fashion, not-so-reasonably priced fashion, and make up. Personally, I'm not a make up guy...I can see every now and then but I'm all about natural beauty....but I will say she always does a good job with hers.  There's nothing worse than a woman that looks like she put on her make up in the dark coming out the house looking like Homey the Clown.  Read a couple of posts and you'll see that she goes step by step and lets you know how to properly apply make up...also lets you know what products are good and where they can be purchased from.  She also posts about how much certain fashion pieces are.  Ladies are all can put together a good looking ensemble and not break the bank.  Fellas have to sell dope...our clothes are high O_O.  There are a couple of posts that show you where the deals's like insider trading for fashion addicts, except you won't follow Martha Stewart to jail.  Here is the link:  Check it out and share it...the more the merrier.  Until next time...I'm gonna laptop hunting and cuss out some Indian dude that works for Sony.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for suggesting your friends fashion blog! I have a separate fashion/makeup blog of my own, but I don't publicize it, and I like to read similar blogs. I'll be reading!
