Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Black Men-Women Disconnect

I'm not sure who made this video....but apparently this has some discussion boards on fire.  The woman is pretty much telling the man what her standards are...which sounds eerily similar to many conversations I've had with women about relationships.  There's not a problem with being strong and wanting a certain man (as long as those demands aren't purely financial and physically superficial) but ladies you have to understand that a lot of what you say is confusing.  To a man, if you're talking all this noise about how you're independent and don't need a man for anything, then don't look to me to take you out or anything.  You can't assault a man's masculinity (and yes, the ability to provide is key to a man feeling like a man) with the independent talk...but then want him to be like a man when its convenient for you.  If you don't need a man to validate you as a woman, then don't go bashing men as soft and not worthy just because you're single.  A man isn't gonna be with a woman that's going to constantly emasculate him.  If you don't need a man physically, then don't get mad because you haven't felt a man's touch in a WHILE.  I know I may have made some women mad with this...don't judge me, I'm just commenting on the world as I see it.  Just can't have your cake and eat it to....thoughts from a simple man with a blog.


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