Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The End of the Birther Issue? Naw...

The biggest political conspiracy since the government's involvement in 9/11 is over...or at least it should be.  A group of GOPers called birthers have maintained since '08 (and even before then) that President Obama was not born in the United States, therefore making him constitutionally ineligible for the presidency.  Even though it's incredibly ludicrous that a man could live, thrive, and hold public office for this long without being a US citizen, this movement has gained momentum over the last 6 months.  Arizona (the capital of political fuckery) actually passed a bill through its state legislature stating all presidential candidates had to provide a copy of their birth certificate before appearing on ballot....thankfully the governor vetoed it.  Louisiana had a similar bill in its legislature but didn't have the same type of support.  Then Donald Trump, apparently the GOP's next big star if you pay attention to the polls, has vowed to get to the bottom of it and take the president to task on this issue.  Well Mr. Trump the White House beat you to it:  today Barack Obama released his original birth certificate.  Even though this should, I know there are idiots are are still not satisfied with this and believe he's a Kenyan born Muslim...but those people prolly have 3 teeth and are married to their brother/sister so I'm not too sure they count.

This issue highlights two issues for me. For starters, the majority of birthers are just closet racists still salty about their Old Dude and his Nurse ticket (McCain-Palin) didn't work.  I've maintained this since the election:  if you don't agree with Obama's politics then that's one thing.  But if you don't think he's qualified because he's not a citizen or a Muslim (even if he was a and your argument is completely devoid of politics then you're a racist...period.  If Obama was white and his dad was European there wouldn't be anyone up in arms because they thought he was born in England.  But even beyond that, it shows how they do not respect the president.  He's the only president that has had to answer these type of questions.  It's like people believe he's incompetent just because he's black (as well as other personal/racist like this and  this have been circulating in Republican emails for a while).  I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Obama does, but if you don't agree challenge him on his record not on where he's born and his religion.  All the birthers are doing are showing how ignorant they are.  I'm actually kind of disappointed he released it...there are bigger fish to fry, like this the rising cost of goods and the stagnation of wages, and he spent time and energy dealing with something silly.  You didn't have to get down in the mud with them Mr. President.


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