Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogging All Over The World

First of all...thanks to all that have read my blog and support my ignance.  I've been posting more often lately...hope you all like what I'm putting out there.  So the other day I got bored and looked at my blog stats and realized that my blog is being read by people from all over the world.  Made me feel really good...that my silly ass thoughts are being read by people outside of the USA...the power of the innanets is real.  If you're one of these individuals reading my blog from the beyond the borders of the US, then a special thank you is in order.  You all brave time differences to read my ignant thoughts...well maybe not but that's how I imagined it.  Just let me keep on thinking that.  If it's not too much to ask...I'd like for you all to send me a little something from your location...there's nothing like something from the source.

RUSSIA-I'm tryna get some of that good vodka.  One of those bottles with no English...strong enough to make my brave a Siberian winter in a pair of balling shorts and a wife beater.

ENGLAND-I've always wanted to try some of that tea.  You all take time out the middle of the day to drink it...it has to be great, right?

CANADA-I COULD go up there...but I never learned any French in high school.  Can someone send me some maple syrup?

GERMANY-3 things:  Beer, chocolate, and sausage (just in case I need this...#pause)

I'll return the favor.  Since we're the home of bad reality shows and Tyler Perry movies, I'll send you a DVD set of Jersey Shore and Meet The Browns.  Wait...I'm trying to gain readers and not lose them...scratch that.


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