Thursday, January 26, 2012

RIP Joe Pa

Today Penn State had the public memorial service for the legendary football coach Joe Paterno.  Don't have a whole lot to say about him...just that he was a great man that made just as much of a difference off the field as he did on it.  In many instances he did more off the field...he gave a lot of his money to the school and even helped build a library on campus.  Of course we all know about the child abuse scandal (I know if he would have seen the alleged attack first hand he would have done much more to help) and how that ended his record setting tenure at the helm of the program but don't let that instance overshadow all the good he did for so many men spanning almost 5 full decades.  I normally don't agree with or particularly like Rick Reily's columns on but read this about a special bond he had with Adam Taliaferro.  Even though they were bonded by a horrific injury Adam bounced back from, I'm sure many, if not all, had a story similar on how Joe Pa changed their life for the better.  There was a reason all the football players circled the wagon when he was fired.  RIP Joe will be missed.


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