So...the other day my boy hit me up the other day and was like "what's the URL to the blog? I haven't checked it out in a while." When I gave it to him...I started to think...damn I haven't done a post in over a month. Not even gonna make anything lazy as hell, started playing Call of Duty, and braving the January cold with this balla ass over coat my dad got me for Christmas. Feel bad for neglecting this ya boy is all rejuvenated. Because, see..I was juvenated, lost it last month, but then I got juvenated again....rejuvenated! I promise I won't leave for that long with that being said...
MLK Didn't Die For This
So yesterday was the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr's birthday so I figured that this would be the perfect time to share some top notch fuckery I've seen on these here innanets over the past couple of weeks. This video is a series of news stories profiling this lady that has 15 kids by three different guys (just wow...smh) and has come on hard times. Apparently she's homeless with nowhere to go...instead of trying to do all she can to provide for them, she's pulling American's favorite card: blaming someone else. She believes that she is entitled to assistance to provide for her all of her kids. I...I just can't man. I know that some people come on hard times and need assistance. But as a gainfully employed tax payer I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna subsidize this fuckshit. But on the other hand, the kids are the one who would ultimately suffer so you have to make sure they're taken care of. I couldn't be a local official...she should have had her uterus revoked after like kid #7. I know that the majority of black people aren't like this, but between the media (both news and entertainment) we're all painted in a welfare/lazy light. Makes us all look bad...just like this story my boy shared with me on Facebook about these two kids being burned up in a house when they were home alone but
the aunt was more worried about her food stamps that burned up in the house. I know for damn sure Martin and Malcom ain't die for this shit. But what can you do right? I'll leave you with a quote from the great mind of Huey Freeman:
"I'm sometimes vexed at the behavior of my people. Yeah...'vexed' is a good word..."