Sunday, August 7, 2011

I Ain't Your Boy

There's been a lot of testing of the President's gangsta over the past couple of weeks.  Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) said, in regards to the recent debt/budget crisis, that touching Obama was like touching a tar baby.  After that, Pat Buchanan, in a converstation with Al "A Pimp Named Slickback" Sharpton, refered to the President as "his [Sharpton's] boy."  Both of these touched a big, black, militant nerve with me...there has been so much thinly veiled racism and bigotry in our political discourse since Barack was sworn in.  I may not agree with every thing that he is doing, but those of you that are his critics must understand that the president does not and can not do anything by himself.  In today's atmosphere, political acumen is measured by how much you can stifle the other side and pander to your base and not by how well you can make compromises for the better good.  To put it simply:  Congress is so busy hating on each other that it's damn near impossible for anything to pass (see: the debt ceiling fiasco).  Not just pointing the fingers at the Republicans...the Democrats are just as much to blame for the gridlock.

But I digress...even with the nastiness that is inherent with American politics, the racial component at one figure wasn't as strong as its been recently.  Am I to believe that the fact it came along with the nation's first black president was a coincidence?  Let's take the first incident...Mr. Lamborn was pulling the same "the other party's president is at fault for all the problems" card but the fact that he refered to our President as a tar baby was too far....WAY too far.  Now of course he's gonna refer to the fact that the first definition of tar baby was someone that was stuck in a quagmire (a real one...not the giggity one) and not necassarily a black person.  That's like saying that a faggot is a bundle of sticks...but when someone says it you know they ain't talking about no damn sticks.  Of course you know he's going to apologize and say he wasn't aware of the reference.  You can't blame ignorance all the time...the only politician that can get away with that was Dubya becuase he was a plum fool  You can't play the "I don't know card" on EVERYTHING race related.  What made you think it was ok to sign a pledge saying that black children were better off under slavery because they grew up in a two parent household?  What made you think it was ok to photoshop a watermelon patch in front of the White House?  The correct answer is:  there isn't anything that even remotely lets you know that it is/should be ok.

And what would make you think it'd be cool to call the President of these United States of Amerikkka a boy???  That gets under my skin to a level almost too much for words.  To call me a boy...a grown ass man a a level of disrespect that sends me into a rage that'll make you think that I was listening to every Waka Flocka song.  I'd ALMOST rather a white person drop the N-bomb on me than call me a boy.  Calling me a boy assumes that you're above me in some way, shape, or form and I'm not about that life.  Hell I snapped on a baseball parent in high school because he called me a boy.  Technically? Yes I probably was classified as a boy in any other circle but I'm not about to have a white person call me a boy...period.  Not to say that one person is better than anyone in terms of personal worth, but the POTUS should be someone that you reserve a great deal of respect for.  You can hate their guts and their politics, but you return his phone calls (Boehner).  You don't spread lies about him being a Kenyan muslim terrorist (Trump).  You stand up and salute that man when the motorcade drives by and mumble your true thoughts under your breath.  Some of these politicians are taking this freedom of speech thing too far...I guess that's too much to ask to treat the first black president with the same respect as the others.


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