Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google+ So Far

This new fangled Google+, for those who haven't heard, is Google's new hat in the social networking realm (after pretty epic fails with Wave and Buzz).  I've read some articles and blogs about it and people are so quick to compare it to Facebook.  Right now it has an early Facebook feel (i.e. few, like minded users) but its different and, in my humble opinion, has the potential to be so much more.  Google+ gives you more control over who can see what and how you group your friends. Great feature for those who like to compartmentalize social networking like myself (I don't want my co workers and friend's mommas seeing what I put on Twitter lol).  I like the Huddle feature a lot's essentially a chat room with a select group of friends.  With the mobile apps you can take them and contribute on the go. I'm waiting for the resurrection of the Knock Phi BBM group where epic buggage occured.  But with that being said...its a little boring now because I only have like 10 friends.  Social networking with a small network isn't very fun...but whenever Google works out the kinks and opens it up to everyone, Google+ has the potential to be a great place to interact and share with friends. It's by invite only so if you get one check it out here.  I'll be able to invite you so hit me up if you want one.  Gotta figure out a way to make it harder for people to find me...can't have people looking me up by government name all willy nilly.


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